Proceed with Caution or Jump into Action?
While I was excited to learn about the new Marvel LCG from FFG, the recent Destiny demise really caused me to reconsider. However, Marvel: Crisis Protocol is looking fantastic and saying ‘no’ to plastic crack is pretty much impossible – especially when it’s superhero plastic crack!
I really dig what Atomic Mass Games is doing with the game and their development-ish blog adds a lot to my interest.
As of right now, the game doesn’t have a lot of buzz locally, but it seems to be moving through my local hobby shop pretty consistently and sounds like it’s grabbed the Warma-Horde crowd’s interest here. Which, seems to make sense since a number of the development team came from Privateer Press.
I’m not sure about your local area, but it sounds like that once Adepticon is over and the Warma-Horde guys are done building up for that event, they are switching gears and starting up a Crisis Protocol league here – I can’t wait!